I had a delightful, fiber filled day yesterday. My students from the "best friends" workshops, and I, met at the Quilt Visions Gallery in Liberty Station. Liberty Station was a huge Naval Training Station, dedicated in 1923, that today is being revived with unique and interesting art related shops and organizations , restaurants, and lovely areas to stroll and enjoy our great weather. The quilts in the gallery are well worth a visit. Best of all there are shopping opportunities. In the gallery gift shop, Quilt Visions members sell such things as hand dyed silk hankie and gauze, both perfect for nuno felting. Needless to say we all bought some of these goodies to add to our felting stash.
On my way home I stopped into The Shepherdess, a wonderful bead and fiber shop, to pick up some findings for earrings I'm making. Cookie , as you can see, took one look at the Sevilla Nuno Felt Shawl I was wearing, and bought it on the spot. Good taste, Cookie, and don't you look terrific wearing it. The interesting side mark is that Cookie's family come from Sevilla, Spain, the inspiration and namesake for the shawl. Coincidence? I don't think so.