I must admit that I especially love the fact that I can felt anywhere, anytime, without needing special tools. I tell my workshop students that the method of nuno felting that I teach can be done in hotel rooms which, coincidently, are equipped with everything you need. I know, because I've done it! Not only in a hotel room, but on a recent Scandinavian cruise I found some beautiful wool in Helsinki and that night in the tiny bathroom of our cabin I made felt.
However........I have always, in the many art forms I have explored, gravitated towards the best tools I could find. So hotel rooms and shipboard cabins aside, I hereby offer up:
With it I can wet down my work without disturbing the design, and use the hottest water possible without burning my hands. I've shared this nifty tool with my students and it's always love at first squeeze. You can find one of your very own at: