I didn't have my blog when I was in Anchorage, Alaska in January. But I do now so I'll talk about the wonderful Nuno Felt Workshop I taught at the
Knitting Grounds . Last year my dear friend Zaynab urged me to teach a workshop at her beautiful shop. This January was my second time teaching in Anchorage, and I love it. Here I am with my terrific students who all had a wonderful time in our workshop which I dubbed, "Felting Below Zero"! The knit shop was a warm and cozy retreat from the below zero temps that persisted the whole time I was in Anchorage. I lived in Anchorage for 15 years and can't remember a winter when we had below zero temps for weeks on end.
But summer in Anchorage is the best, and we are working on a Nuno Felt workshop/retreat in
Hope , a charming old gold mining town just outside of Anchorage, this summer. My daughter and son in law have a sweet cabin in Hope where they spend as much free time as they can, so I can combine my two loves, family and felting in one Alaskan weekend. I'll keep you posted on those developments.
As for workshops in the immediate future: I have two 2 day workshops planned to be held in my San Diego studio, March 22 & 23, and April 2 & 3. I will also be doing one in Phoenix the weekend of March 28 & 29. For anyone interested, just email me