Thursday, May 14, 2009

Felt is NOT a food group

Try telling that to my boy Monty.  Yesterday he got into the studio while I was gone and ate a piece of magenta pre felt.  While I admire his color choice, things did not go well.   I will spare you the details, but he did seem to be getting rid of the excess fiber and I thought all was well until 1:00 am when I woke to the sounds of one very distressed pup.  So of course we wound up in the doggie emergency hospital.  They fixed him up, I paid the bill, and this morning he is a more subdued version of himself, but recovering nicely.  Do dogs, at least smart little poodles, get cause and effect?  His breeder thinks he should, but I wouldn't bet a $$$$$$ trip to the emergency hospital on it! 


  1. Such a cute innocent this before or after the op...!!!
    Absolutly adorable.

  2. Oh poor baby, I guess I wouldn' be trusting that he learned that lesson....

  3. Oh dear - poor little one. And poor you!

  4. Oh Monty.... I would have never imagined you being a naughty boy!
