Monday, December 14, 2009

Studio Storage

The mess under my work tables reached crisis proportions last week. I had fabric and wool stashed under there in a totally disorganized assortment of plastic tubs and bags, all stacked atop each other. The confusion was unsettling, made things hard to get to, and didn't exactly inspire creativity. I bought 6 of these lovely 3 drawer plastic units on wheels. I need to be able to move them around, so when I teach a workshop, or want a particular sized surface for a project, both of which require a different configuration of the tables, I can neatly and easily rearrange them. Two of these nifty units fit perfectly under each of my three work tables, with room to spare. Every drawer is labeled with it's contents. Imagine that! I had a great time going through all my fabrics and fibers. I became reacquainted with what I have, and discovered to my delight that I have a lot of wonderful stuff which I can now lay my hands on in a flash!


  1. Perfect! Looks beautifully organized, which is always an aid to creativity.

  2. Wow great space and so spacious - spacious space :-) Fabulously tidy and organized too.
